Does ballet make bunions worse?

There are some great pictures on the web when you “google” search dancer’s feet. As graphic and as terrible these look, a dancer’s feet are their biggest asset and their greatest tool used to perform their art.

Many parents and dancers are concerned that ballet will give a dancer, bunions. Although the literature doesn’t support this, most professional dancers will have some degree of bunion formation.

In the normal population, people are more predisposed to bunions, due to the shape and structure of their feet. Bunions are exacerbated by footwear, foot function and activity. Ballet is one of the activities that can exacerbate bunion development.

Some classical technique issues can contribute to bunion development.

tendue derriere bunions ballet
  • Tendue derriere

    • If the dancer places too much weight on the toe and joints rather than the tip of the toe, the pressure can increase the chance of the joint position changing.

  • 5th position

    • If the dancer forces their turnout in 5th position and once again places too much force at the big toe, the pressure can increase the chance of bunion formation.

If you or your young dancer are concerned about bunions, please call us on 9555 3044 or email us at

Appointments can be booked online at

Kirsti Mann